35 images
A photograph of the Saint-Eligius Institute dating from 1894
Another view upon the Saint-Eloi Institute in 1894
Class photograph of the first year students in 1908 in the Saint-Eli Institute
Monsignor De Wachter visits the Saint-Eligius Institute
The Saint-Eligius Institute in 1910 and the Saint-Eligius Church
Group photograph at the silver Jubilee of the First Brother , Ernest Cleiren, head of the Saint- Eligius Institute in 1912
The Brother Community in the Saint-Eligius Institute in 1927
SITTING : the Brothers Octavien, Armand, Ivo (Brother Superior and head of the school) and Elzear
STANDING : The Brothers Hugo, Hippoliet, Sigismond, Placied, Karel and Libérat
Group photograph of the First year students in 1929 in the Saint-Eligius Institute
The Saint-Eligius Institute in 1931 in the Van Helmont street with the Saint-Eligius church, the parochial library and meeting rooms, the priest’s home, the friars’ convent, the gateway with the inscription The Saint-Eligius Institute, a view upon the back side of the convent and the school building
Again the Saint-Eligius Institute in 1931 with a view upon the playground and the school building existing of three building layers
The playground of the Saint-Eligius Institute with children
The First parochial circle in the Van Helmont street, later converted into the parochial library and still later, bought by the vzw The Brothers of Scheppers – Saint-Eligius Institute. At first classes were built, but later the building was broken down and replaced by the recent one.
The Museum in the Siant-Eligius Institute in earlier times
Photograph of the teachers in 1935 in the Saint-Eligius Institute ; in the front and in the midst Brother Césaire, head of the school and besides him, Father Devadder
Brother Joachim between Brother Georges and His Reverend Father van Herck at his Jubilee
In 1965 the celebration of Brother Kamiel who was headmaster for 20 years; here in the midst, on the left side Brother Assistent Bertrand and on the right side Brother Assistant Karel
In 1969 The Saint-Eligius Institute celebrates its 75 years of existence in the Arenbergstreet
A nice meeting of the protective friends of the Saint-Eligius Institute in 1974
In 1987 The Saint-Eligius Institute celebrates its 100 years of existence in the Tivoli hall
Bisshop Paul van den Berghe and Brother Innocent at the dinner on the occasion of the 100 years of existence of the Saint- Eligius Institute the Tivoli castle in Mechelen
The Saint-Eligius Institute in the Van Helmont street in 1972
In 1988 the enormous building works Of the Saint-Eligius Institute took an end
The benediction of the crucifixes that will be hung in the classes
The Holy Sacrament procession in the quarter around the Saint-Eligius Institute between the two World Wars
The Saint-Eligius Institute in 1998
Another view of the Saint-Eligius Institute in 1988
The ex - pupils’ flag OLSEA at a school exhibition
Academic sitting at the buildings’ inauguration in the Pothoekstreet in 1977
Brother Headmaster Césaire addresses his pupils at the playground during the Interbellum
Group photograph of all members of the board, teachers and members of the secretariat in the secondary division
1989- The school pub is completed
A nice talk in the school pub
Saint-Fredegandus in Deurne near Antwerp
The villa Meeuwenhof in the front, once belonged to the Community, but it was broken down
The Construction of the classrooms at the playground in Deurne in 1978